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Showing posts from June, 2021


Never say I dawg you,  As you said in our chat. I only decided to use hue, In my future colour chart. T'is you who dodge me Thinking lonely I'll be By snubbing my mindset For a permanent search  Of a lifetime opposite sex Now do not judge me! "I couldn't convince you"? That I know. But if you really do, Why not let it show? You weren't ready You weren't sure Were we too many to study? Now how much did you score? Baby I'm really sorry  That your friend is in this story But you should have read her poetry That love knows no boundary #BABY I'M SORRY#


Standing at Bay With no need to make hay For the sun has already set As the clouds and moon had bet This is real life unveiled Tango of the night revealed So as to be thy own saviour Heed to my unqualified rumor Why stare at a pulpit? Whilst you are the lectern  Is it because you're deemed unfit, Or the anointing isn't yet your turn? Oh brother, is it a mistake? That you have a stake To be rich and worthy That thou has churned worldly? This sister is blessed with dimples! And curves so simple To cause a tremble  In pillars of a temple But because your gift Can cause a tectonic drift Has become a disadvantage That at this young age You cannot be called a sage So where are all the teachings The faith and commitment preachings Are we now likened To those backslidden We cannot wait any longer Call a sister and brother Let's all get back to "Grace" Confess our deeds of disgrace As the runway is tared for arrival Let's ask for a revival  A Spiritual survival One ple...


You know what? It's not all about churching, Neither is it about doctrine. Many were the preachings, And enough holy teachings. We hope for the best  Yet influenced by the "west" Just because we over rely, On the holy sign, A biblical sigh, Of a future Utopia, With a bliss of euphoria. Is it always about soul winning? What of those souls starving, And fragile hearts bleeding,  Can we not rather do "soul feeding"? Why are ye all marveled? Expecting a speech on revival? And here I stand rather rebbutal, Trying to sound a bit canal. Do you await an anointing? Yeah, are you really expecting, Olive oil from the beard of Aaron? That season of milk is gone. Now is the time to be a true son. Spark up, Sparkle and proclaim If not, let your lifestyle reclaim Leave no lost sheep in disdain Be thou revived and unleashed To arise, shine and make an impact.