Events that operate for or against, Forces that obliterate our gains, As if opportunity but bring us pains. Those aren't what we call luck, But the teasers we wish to lack. So we pose supine but appear prone, In the eyes of those yet unknown. We're sure our beauty won't waste, So our hair will entrench our waist, Till the hour we alpha our fate. Don't misinterpret our smile, Or compromise our amity awhile. For we gaze as the winds whirl, With white eyes and hands on hips, As heirs with blossoming lips. Talking to God in a spiritual chat, Till we celebrate in an entrechat, For answers to the desires of our heart, Which are the things we love.
It is our desire to poetically inspire, motivate, intrigue, inform and educate with fun and pun. Your delay in life should not put you to dismay. God takes time but He surely hears you and comes when it is your day.