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God is not unwilling for us to be wealthy else King Solomon would have a different story. It is His will and wish that we prosper. Jesus and Mohammed (no matter their differences) stress in teaching that as humans, we find our purpose in life and be self-dependent. In order not to be a burden, you must be able to use what you have to get what you need to have. There are various interpretations of this statement above but mine is different. You have God and so you must use your faith and works to get the success you want. Remember that goodness and mercy are your followers so be their leader. It is imperative to recognize and understand what God has placed in you_ seeds of happiness, joy, peace, strength and vision for your life. Once you understand this, you will be able to push past your fears, dry your tears and claim your cheers and wave into your destiny with confidence.

If you over depend on someone for food, clothing, shelter, fees, money and other needs you will at a point in time become a burden. There is a song I learnt at Sunday school:
Cast your burdens onto Jesus for He cares for you
Take your troubles onto Jesus for He cares for you.

The song inspires me anytime I remember the lyrics. When someone cares about our welfare we tend to leave everything into their care. We become totally dependent on them. Children depend on their parents for their needs because from infancy that is what they saw. However, we see in our localities that those lacking family inheritance and fortunes go into the streets to survive through all sorts of ungodly ways. This ought not be so.
To rely on God means to relax and let God take the wheel. Trust Him in all situations that He’s got your back. But it is hard to delineate the fact that people may become burdens onto God. Your burdens and problems are not yours to tackle but Christ’s. However if you cast your burdens onto Jesus, then you must separate yourself from the burdens. People cast themselves and their burdens onto Jesus. This when one become a burden.

A burden could be seen as encumber, lumber or load so oppressive, worrisome and wearisome. Mat.11:28 (come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. KJV). Remember that this is not only about faith. Esau cast his burden onto the Lord and Bible records that he was as wealthy. And by thy sword shalt thou live and shall thy brother and it shall come to pass when thou shall have dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke off thy neck (Gen 27:40). 33: 9 of same book continues that,” and Esau said, I have enough brother, keep that thou hast onto thyself. Esau worked hard to till the land and he was successful.

Even so faith, if it has not works, is dead, being alone (Jam 2:17). God is too great and powerful to be burdened by our problems. He can handle everything in a second but relying on God without using the gifts he gave you is what I term ‘being a burden’. God wants us to bring all our cares onto Him therefore we cannot be a burden but you are the best judge to decipher what word to use to describe the one who sits, prays and does nothing (Psalm 55:22 and 1Pet 5:7). God asked Moses, What do you have in your hand? And God said, cast it on the ground and when Moses cast it on the ground, it became a serpent (Exod. 4:2-3). If you sit idle and do nothing, you will stand up later only to find nothing done.

There are some acquired motives that must be dropped with momentum. In His book Drop that Yam, Pastor Ampofo said, “A habit won’t go without a fight”. A fight cannot be won with unused might. You must therefore fight to sacrifice some of your burdens, else your burdens shall eventually sacrifice you. If you don’t want to be burden, you must take charge of your future. The man of God, Bishop David Oyedepo said, “If you cannot picture your future, then in it you cannot feature”. Abraham in Genesis 12, pictured his future with children as many as the sands of the beach and that motivated him even more to be firm in his faith to move on. Therefore your faith should be a motivation rather that a burden.


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