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Sex was a factor considered by the potter when moulding came to His mind. Male and female created He them. Whether male or female, single or married, or hermaphrodite, these codes are needed in defining a blissful life-THE SWEETEST THINGS IN LIFE-Here is my heirarchy

WORSHIP You may sing, dance, pray, live holy and serve God. What at all can be sweeter than doing what can grant you eternal life?

LAUGHTER  Mine sounds funny but doing it makes me happy. I can laugh till tears drop and that takes away pain and stress. It heals and releases boredom, reduces ageing and makes you happy.

MUSIC  The instrumentals, the tone of voice, the feelings in the heart and ears. It's too good a sound to fail to enjoy.

WATER  Bath is refreshing but to quench your thirst is more than satisfaction. From the mouth through the oesophagus, if you don't value water ask the plant.-Try the desert.

WIND(Air)  Sweat and see, sailors understand but who can choose not to breathe?

FOOD  Eating, drinking, the belly needs food for the body to develop. We must grow-It's delicious

LOVE  A broad-winged common word. No matter your definition, love conquers all- Try making love.

MONEY   Money cannot buy joy but who does not enjoy money? Can money buy everything?-Rhetoric

LEISURE  Do anything at your comfort; games, beech, tour, relax. I mean do it all as you wish.

SLEEP  You can imagine life without sleep.

You may not agree with my hierarchy but try taking one out and life might be incomplete!!!


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