Judge thee not!
Why value tiger nut
Instead of thy first Love?
Lamentations from above
After which of these
Must we thirst?
As man may please,
Chose he first,
That which seems best.
Church, work and love
Chirp, lurk like a dove
Speck up early for work
Your job must you save
From the economic shipwreck
If Noah didn't value relationship
With whom would he be in his ship?
Quote biblically if you may
To his wife a man shall cleave one day
Love your life
Spend time with your wife
The counseling syllabus
May suite your marital status
But, that not withstanding
Must it so be?
To my understanding
A deviation I see
A rail constructed for us not for free
Demanded by our vanity hunt spree
Which we might be charged a fee
So costly that only God can hear our plea.
Think about this:
Which is your first priority
Church, work and relationship
Which would you sacrifice?
We're guilty not to blame economic hardship.
If we are HIS,
Then to shine, let's arise!!!
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