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Showing posts from December, 2022


So this is Christmas? A holy occasion, though not a must. Yet esteemed as much. One's whole life story, Is limited to just a week of merry. Amongst the lot, it was Mary, With a week more to Marry. A virgin's wildest moments of fame. A little feminine made of clay. Whose story was dubbed insane. After losing her pride to the unseen. Wouldn't you rather say to Jesus?  A godly spermicide. By a spirit-filled orgasm, Opened up her womb to lay inside. That which was preserved aside. Were you to be her spouse, Joseph, who never saw her blouse, Yet had to live in doubt, Over her unknown sex mate, Until that dream he couldn't interpret. The story used the word "espoused" Others say she was betrothed. Modern day dating or courtship. Yet nakedness was unexposed. Kept by their bond of friendship. And here we are hallucinating. Eating, dancing and singing.  So today I ask in rhetoric? Is she able to close her legs? Is he willing to wait for her?


As the days go by, And this year is a few days shy, With December ready to die, May we not just say goodbye, To those lonely passersby, Whose pockets are drained dry. They need us to hold their hands. Some just need your arms. Help one, feed many, call any. Help the orphans with money. And if you open your window, Throw out some food to that widow. Don't just wish them, rather give them a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


A mirror doesn't just reflect It reveals what's in front of it We call it an image But I tell you, it's real  And so are words They can't touch you Yet, you will see yourself as you read further. Here comes the Ghanaian Christian defined in these episodes below: Although they pray consciously only when things are going wrong, they pray very unconsciously before they eat their daily meals. They pray more at night than day but they like day time church more than evening church services.  They love those who love them and hate their enemies. They want to be like Christ but cannot live 33 years without having sex. They forgive but will not fail to remind you again and again. They visit the shrine to inquire of an uncured illness or mysterious death but preach against idol worship. They call their children by the good names in the holy Bible. One out of seven Christians is a cheating partner, willing to change but not ready to stop making new friends. One out of eight Christ...