A mirror doesn't just reflect
It reveals what's in front of it
We call it an image
But I tell you, it's real
And so are words
They can't touch you
Yet, you will see yourself as you read further.
Here comes the Ghanaian Christian defined in these episodes below:
Although they pray consciously only when things are going wrong, they pray very unconsciously before they eat their daily meals.
They pray more at night than day but they like day time church more than evening church services.
They love those who love them and hate their enemies.
They want to be like Christ but cannot live 33 years without having sex.
They forgive but will not fail to remind you again and again.
They visit the shrine to inquire of an uncured illness or mysterious death but preach against idol worship.
They call their children by the good names in the holy Bible.
One out of seven Christians is a cheating partner, willing to change but not ready to stop making new friends.
One out of eight Christians is corrupt.
One out of nine Christians will read the whole Bible by strictly following Quiet Time books.
Less than one out of ten Christians do marry before having their first sex.
Ten out of Eleven Christians can recite the Bible quotation at John 11:35.
Every Christian can get you a Bible verse to support a daily argument.
You can know the urgency of their prayer by the seriousness on their faces.
They feel more comfortable with God when in their "fasting and prayer mood"
They pray more at night after every terrible dream.
They look for their phones first each morning before their Bible.
They judge the success of church services by; The sermon, the praises and worship, the number of members and finally the offertory.
Your status in life plays a role in your call up for church leadership.
Their English services are youthful, lively and slightly canal while the Twi services are matured, dull and more spiritual.
They are perpetual customers of the business minded men who use the name of God and the Bible with gargantuan Church names and Titles.
They boast of believing in Christ more than the white man who introduced Christ to them.
They like to digest their money into smaller molecules absorbable into the numerous offertory bowls.
They care more for newly won souls than care for the old backsliding ones.
Church support to the members is now being replaced by corporate social responsibility. So I ask, is the church a corporation or business?
We hurry up to work more than prepare for Church, Pass through the rain to work but Church is a holiday on rainy mornings.
They argue that paying tithes is a commandment in the old testament but forget that Jesus preached from the old testament.
Every Ghanaian is a Christian on 31st December.
James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, [and] easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.
James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, [and] to keep himself unspotted from the world.
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