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Showing posts from July, 2017


Pre-Social media world had better means for us to make friends.  We needed no data like in modern trends.  Friend requests weren't necessary to send. There was an easier way the world did blend. Those times, little money did we spend. Even when you did not have, someone could lend.  However, to get a date was not as tiresome.  All you needed was life....... Isn't that awesome?  She would ask for your commitment after she had given you her all. She would forgive you even after all,  But for guilt, your heart wouldn't stop beeping. These days you need courage, money, good looks and fame without any debate. All these just to get someone to date else thou shalt be too late.  This particular lady came to me even when I was not ready.  Accepting me, knowing that I did not deserve to propose.  I tried to hide but Grace found me.  In fact, her approach I couldn't oppose and as promised, she has been with me ever since.  Forgiving my sin...

.....KEEP PANTING.....

Little drops of water cannot satisfy the ocean. I call it the insatiable belly of the sea. What would anyone want than to possess all things in the universe? It is a question you cannot answer in this single verse. With the fishes and salt, water and minerals, nothing should the ocean lack. Arguably, every animal on land can be identified in the ocean. There is a horse on land and a sea-horse in the sea and probably a Pegasus in heaven. Thus-the idea of perfect analogies in the fauna of land and sea as part of the perfect symmetry of the Creator's plan. Pliny identified many more things found in the sea than on the land, and similarly points out duplicates that may later be discovered between many non-living articles of the land and living creatures in the oceans. This inference to natural historical antiquity is only to reiterate that the sea has enough to be satisfied yet, it still accepts water, even dirty water. The haves and the have nots, the needy and the greedy, the s...


On the eve of 31st December when everyone had at least one thing to remember, we all thought she was coming to give her testimony. But she rather ended up blessing us with a story. “Sometimes you need character, not prayer alone but both” as she began. Having grown without father’s love and care, I found myself in the home of a widow plantain seller.  As she grew older so did I. Time came for me to sell so she could rest. Life posed to me my first test. Without rest, I could sell on the sun with hunger and thirst not forgetting the dust and dirt till Kwakye came into my life. I thought I found solace not knowing it was a burgeoning strife. With copious mouth-watering promises, castles were established in the air for the poor plantain seller and I took seed for him. He however left me a year later with “abanoma ” a son without a father.  The marriage promises were all words of lust that couldn’t last. I attempted suicide but am alive today because my two years old son b...