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On the eve of 31st December when everyone had at least one thing to remember, we all thought she was coming to give her testimony. But she rather ended up blessing us with a story. “Sometimes you need character, not prayer alone but both” as she began.

Having grown without father’s love and care, I found myself in the home of a widow plantain seller.  As she grew older so did I. Time came for me to sell so she could rest. Life posed to me my first test. Without rest, I could sell on the sun with hunger and thirst not forgetting the dust and dirt till Kwakye came into my life. I thought I found solace not knowing it was a burgeoning strife.
With copious mouth-watering promises, castles were established in the air for the poor plantain seller and I took seed for him. He however left me a year later with “abanoma ” a son without a father.  The marriage promises were all words of lust that couldn’t last. I attempted suicide but am alive today because my two years old son broke my glass of poisoned tea.

Life must go on and plantain must be sold. I met another man when my son turned four. At the mention of love, every liquid in me ran cold but who would cater for us?  I accepted him… you can imagine a born-one looking for someone to lease part of her burdens. He initially brightened my life till I gave him a son. The sun lost its brightness and set too soon on my fortunes. This man left my life very dim with another son I don’t like to call bastard. Now with two sons yet no husband, I lost love, respect and trust for men. But the pieces I had to gather and made peace with my in-heaven father. My mother had been my only motivation till then.

I had to look for help elsewhere and nowhere than heaven. For ten years till I turned 35, I had ignored men. But that morning on my daily routine, this man parked his car and offered money for my load. He asked direction to my house so he could buy more next time but your guess is right…. But to my surprise, he traced my location and visited my mother several times in my absence. One day, I met him at home. He had come with marriage proposal but again your guess is as good....
My mother called me one morning and queried, “You’ve been praying for ten years now since your last disappointment. Do you think God will answer at all? Do you know how long it will take? I replied, no. What if he has answered already?”

To shorten my narrative and bring your doubt into the positive, this man was a rich man who hid his identity from us till after marriage. The house, the cars, the luxury, money and joy are not what gladdens my heart today. That which God has done am here to say. He took my sons abroad before we had our own daughter together. As I speak, with the grace of God, my children can cater for us forever.

If I stand here with my husband by my side, then your issue is not too late for God to arise. You cannot afford to commit suicide just because opportunity has pushed you aside. Your pain in the past, that scar which strengthened your heart has groomed your star. On that glory ahead I want your mind cast.
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  1. Very inspiring. God really does answer our prayers

  2. Even if you lose all things, make sure to never lose hope. Thanks for sharing!


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