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.....KEEP PANTING.....

Little drops of water cannot satisfy the ocean. I call it the insatiable belly of the sea. What would anyone want than to possess all things in the universe? It is a question you cannot answer in this single verse. With the fishes and salt, water and minerals, nothing should the ocean lack. Arguably, every animal on land can be identified in the ocean.

There is a horse on land and a sea-horse in the sea and probably a Pegasus in heaven. Thus-the idea of perfect analogies in the fauna of land and sea as part of the perfect symmetry of the Creator's plan. Pliny identified many more things found in the sea than on the land, and similarly points out duplicates that may later be discovered between many non-living articles of the land and living creatures in the oceans. This inference to natural historical antiquity is only to reiterate that the sea has enough to be satisfied yet, it still accepts water, even dirty water.

The haves and the have nots, the needy and the greedy, the strong and powerless, the rich kingdom and the family in serfdom, just like the game of thrones:
Everything seems at war and today, everybody is looking for more.
My message is short and i want to keep you on the optimistic spot. JUST DON'T STOP PANTING. As the deer panteth for the waters, so my soul longeth after thee. For you to sustain your aspirations high is all my plea. You have re-sat for exams severally but your trails are still many. You completed the studies for that profession yet when will i gain employment is your confession. You qualify for promotion and your people scheme towards your demotion. Ten years after marriage and you still encounter miscarriage. I do not advise you to cope but i pray you don't lose hope.

You graduated with first class and you are about finishing your masters as the best lass. After national service you were retained and  high living standard have you maintained. You took over that company because you were most capable amongst many. Formerly you slept in a tent, currently you have apartments for rent. You now cruise in Limousine and you remember when you used to walk with your LEG-mousine. What a great transformation from a street fighter to a resident pastor. All i can say is you have achieved much in human sense but that should be no reason to be complacent. So long as you have time to live, to the world you have a lot to give.
To finish the race, you have to keep the pace and befriend God's grace.
Let the sky be your starting point and eternity be your limit. Live good, love God, Long for more.



  1. God keep me panting

  2. Luvly
    Poetry Master
    I salute

  3. Herh...snr wate...charle...uve combined like 5 of my stuff together. ..Miki..misi wo y3 Tee wate....The Servant was always a Master...God blee you for these inspired.

  4. Marrow, pls visit and create an account. ..... I would reblog this there for you.
    see u on the other side, keep blogging.


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