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Apart from being a tuber foodstuff, it's also used in Ghana to make phone calls. Prior to a Tigo advert on Ghana Television, a yam is a non android phone with only radio and torch. Therefore if it's not a smartphone, then that's certainly a Yam.

As human beings, there are many traits in our genes from birth or creation: Character, nature, dialect, behaviour, ethnicity and colour. Some others can be learnt, others are adopted both consciously and unawares. Most of them good, others not very helpful; those are the YAMS we must get rid of.
Whether yours is small or bigger yam, I am quite doubtful. But these few acronyms can be insightful:
Your Acquired Motives
Your Attitudes and Mindset
Your Adopted Mentality
Your Accrued Memory
Your Anachronistic Misconceptions

That part of your character that society shuns is a yam. The little things you believe you cannot stop, this mediocre Mindset is even a bigger yam. Though learnt it from friends, you can do away with such yam. Truly it has pilled up in your heart, taken over your emotions and navigates your character but you know it's a yam that must be dropped. 

Technology has made it attractive but I believe you know that  you are gradually dropping that yam. They say it's a family curse, blot it out of your memory. Did you inherit it from birth, or an initiation from friends? Have you postponed stopping it or you don't intend avoiding it. I cannot list them all. The yam could be water-yam, yellow yam, white yam or wild yam. 
But your conscience is the best judge, Jesus your lawyer, The Word of God our constitution... If found guilty, the holy spirit will always bail you.
No matter how delicious, your yam cannot get enough network signals to transfer your calls to God.

Proverb 6:16_
These six things the Lord hates: Yes, seven are abomination unto Him. A proud look, lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth evil imagination,  feet that be swift in running mischief, a false witness, he that soweth discord amongst brethren,.........
Whether yours is captured here or not : Please, DROP THAT YAM!!!!!!!!!!


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