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EAT THAT ANT..... There is an ant in everyone. READ This full book.

As ambitious as the generation today; to make money and enjoy life, it is not wrong if is done rightly. Qur’an (Chapter 5:4-7 and 11-12) affirms that creation is for man’s benefit. The bible record that God had plans for man to subdue the earth. Thus, to take dominion over other things created. God has plans for man and Bible says they are good, not evil plans. God wants His children to enjoy the milk and honey of life that is why He prepared Canaan for His chosen people. You (no matter who you are) are part of this people. We must enjoy life on earth as well as in heaven. Heaven is not for the poor (economically poor) only. It is not only for the rich (wealthy) but both.
The problem comes when we fail to discipline ourselves in God’s plans. We then become like the rich man described in (Luke 16:19-31) the Bible. Disciplined people are not born so. They train themselves to be disciplined. Bible says (Prov. 22:6 paraphrased) train, teach, discipline the child the way he must go that in his growth, he may not depart from it. In order not to depart from the way of the Lord, He teaches us the way of the Ant. But I believe that observing the ant alone may not be enough for this ambitious generation. It is expedient that we eat the ant to fully possess its traits. This book teaches how to capture and eat the ant and have it in you alive as well. It will give you counsel and wisdom from within such that you will become closest to success and yet not farthest from eternal life.

Many are the ways that seem right to men but their end leads to death (Proverbs 14:12 paraphrased). As young as I am, I may not claim knowledge of which way is the best for the pursuit of success. But I believe that through contacts, books and experiences from experienced men, the youth of today and the ageing minority have similar aspirations as to mine. Many people want to be wealthy and enjoy life but the community in which we are located seem not to give such things for free. It is thus imperative that any individual with a future keep the desire and yearn to succeed. Success must however be achieved through the right way. The right way, a pastor said ‘the Godly way, the path which earns us blessings, that which makes us feel proud and give thanks to God’.

The Bible and the Qur’an attest to the fact that man must work to attain his daily bread. Proverbs admonishes from the Bible that in our quest to gain wisdom, we go to the ant and learn. This is because the ant has a peculiar mode of operation that makes it reap bounty in due season. Qualities like sense of duty, discipline, team work, intelligence and foresight just to mention a few are the specialties of the tiny insect.
The ant is tiny but its ways are mighty. So tactical with their ways crafty, they harvest the greatest bounty. They (ANT) Adapt, Normalize and Transforms the irony of their small size and work hard to store plenty food in a giant anthill. There is an ant quality in the nature of every one including you. As we (YOU) Yearn to succeed, we need to Observe those that have already made it and how they did it, and then we can Understand God’s purpose concerning us.
I sincerely and prayerfully hope that God through this book shall inspire you to unleash the ant you. Excerpts from life stories and guidelines from successful people will go a long way in your branding and lead you beyond your big dream. To unburden your burdened life, excuse yourself from the excuses of the world and patiently read this book.

God Bless You!!!


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