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All I saw was her hands around me and mine tightly around her waist. For about an hour I couldn't let go of her as she said," I wish we stay like this all time". If only you were all mine, I added. The feeling was mutual and the ecstasy behind the hug, unusual. She continued,"Do you love me? Anytime I set my eyes on your lips, I don't want to lose you." So I questioned," What of in the harmattan? The arms fused so tightly now lost grips and the hug came to abrupt end. This was when I woke up.

We all have who we love dearly but ask yourself if you love because of love, the beauty of it or just for that attraction. Many youth would do anything just to earn love, admiration and acceptance. But are those necessary, if they are, could that be the only means to touch the heart of that special person?

It was only two days after they exchanged contacts and my friend described this lady as good at kissing. ( I still cannot tell what that means) Pretending not to hear him, like a snake I started hissing. Mike, You are so pissing and door bangs. Late at night he returned with this balm held so dearly with both arms. We exchanged our normal greetings with fists. Abi asked me to get my lips pink if only I wanted more of her. Reminding me of the song I want more of you. I later asked him, what the lady would also do for him. Like a bomb He sounded," She will get her breast enlarged for me". In fact, I never knew of products like that till that night.

Many times we do unnecessary things to please our beloveds while the expedient ones are rather underestimated. Men now artificially grow beard, super normal butts and boobs women also bear. Love must be ideal, unconditional and patient without which one cannot see growth. When love takes long to thrive, it lasts very long and survives. God sent a child to die for us but a fully grown man eventually died. This is because, only what grows with you can live and die for you.

Many young marriages fail because they were established on why and what benefit. Seed that germinates and matures naturally shall surely endure but that which we falsely nurture with inorganic manure will fail in the absence of elements of nature. Love because of love and not lust. Though very strong in the beginning, lust doesn't last.

You can touch without touching yet that would really touch. Whenever you desire to win the love of a beloved, do not forget this: But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all righteousness, And all these shall be added for you.


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