The crossroad is a place of confusion, where you can’t rely on your intuition.
There, any wrong turn could lead to eternal condemnation.
If and when you get there,
Never submit to fear but rather take courage and cheer.
Pause for a moment in any situation.
Prayerfully discern at that junction.
Listen to your respondent, let the Holy Spirit function.
At least for once, certainly not by chance.
I have this to share so take your stance.
You might have been or may get there soon.
It may be dawn, night or noon.
When you forget what to do, or you don’t know where to go.
Upon you darkness looks and certainty seems very low.
Call onto Him and grace will flow.
Times will come that you may lust, not because you are bad.
But surely you are dust and in you flows blood.
Rely not on your flesh but flee fast, forget not the salvation you once had.
You may feel like coining lyrics to defray your neighbour's insolence.
Remember that the Holy Spirit is your conscience.
Just tame the tongue, for the world is your audience.
No matter who is wrong, be filled with patience.
You may be a victim of austerity and it may seem like no one is watching.
Yes, you are money thirsty and your fast fingers may not be so short.
You have succeeded many times doesn’t mean you cannot be caught.
Be still and know that stealing isn’t your portion.
All riches is of God so kindly take caution.
When you look left and right, remember to look up to heaven.
Mathew seven, seven; Ask and you shall be given.
From within, your temperature may be ignited and the heart begins to beat faster.
Yet, control your temper against furious anger.
For it may only be a test of which you are not the first.
You cannot afford to trail this trial, hence let not the sun set.
Be truthful always, if possible all your living days.
Be not shy, only fear God up high.
Don’t ever lie, for all liars shall die.
This is the word, that which you must know:
Believe in your YES and let your no remain NO!
The cross road may be smooth, rough, tough, tarred or graded.
Sickness may eat your faith dead,
Poverty may disgrace you instead.
Your cry unheard and your prayer yet to be answered.
Initiate that faithful step as you look ahead.
Fight your salvation with fear and trembling,
By grace, I see you prevailing.
Very motivating and inspirational