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As Doyen as he seemed,  He sunk into the deep of his heart And aroused what couldn't exist  Common Ice, piercing the metallic. T'is was on that special beast A kind of untouchable brute When that captain let go everything No, it rather slipped from his hands. The wonder of the world The titan of desire and pleasure She was called The TITANIC. For it was as hard as titanium. "Even God can't sink this ship" Said the captain of the night Who revered not the Lord's might But thought the engineer was alright Words they say aren't just powerful They are sometimes dreadful Causing pain even in the bossom of God, To Let frozen water cut a ship like sword. If you ever watched the movie, And listened to the latter, These words you would remember That truly God never sunk it, The captain rather sang  And then, the ship gently sunk.


Never say I dawg you,  As you said in our chat. I only decided to use hue, In my future colour chart. T'is you who dodge me Thinking lonely I'll be By snubbing my mindset For a permanent search  Of a lifetime opposite sex Now do not judge me! "I couldn't convince you"? That I know. But if you really do, Why not let it show? You weren't ready You weren't sure Were we too many to study? Now how much did you score? Baby I'm really sorry  That your friend is in this story But you should have read her poetry That love knows no boundary #BABY I'M SORRY#


Standing at Bay With no need to make hay For the sun has already set As the clouds and moon had bet This is real life unveiled Tango of the night revealed So as to be thy own saviour Heed to my unqualified rumor Why stare at a pulpit? Whilst you are the lectern  Is it because you're deemed unfit, Or the anointing isn't yet your turn? Oh brother, is it a mistake? That you have a stake To be rich and worthy That thou has churned worldly? This sister is blessed with dimples! And curves so simple To cause a tremble  In pillars of a temple But because your gift Can cause a tectonic drift Has become a disadvantage That at this young age You cannot be called a sage So where are all the teachings The faith and commitment preachings Are we now likened To those backslidden We cannot wait any longer Call a sister and brother Let's all get back to "Grace" Confess our deeds of disgrace As the runway is tared for arrival Let's ask for a revival  A Spiritual survival One ple


You know what? It's not all about churching, Neither is it about doctrine. Many were the preachings, And enough holy teachings. We hope for the best  Yet influenced by the "west" Just because we over rely, On the holy sign, A biblical sigh, Of a future Utopia, With a bliss of euphoria. Is it always about soul winning? What of those souls starving, And fragile hearts bleeding,  Can we not rather do "soul feeding"? Why are ye all marveled? Expecting a speech on revival? And here I stand rather rebbutal, Trying to sound a bit canal. Do you await an anointing? Yeah, are you really expecting, Olive oil from the beard of Aaron? That season of milk is gone. Now is the time to be a true son. Spark up, Sparkle and proclaim If not, let your lifestyle reclaim Leave no lost sheep in disdain Be thou revived and unleashed To arise, shine and make an impact.


A thing that I want Something I rater need Everything that I see Is all I already have It was time to be greedy And now it is to be content   Thank God I found you Frivolous, yet well able No matter what they do You make life so simple Maybe it’s not yet my season Because my woes aren’t ceasing   Do you really think it’s time, To be satisfied with what achieved? Isn’t it better to do more, Than chewing the tuber raw? See yesterday dying Tomorrow welcomes you by crying   Nothing shall ever be free Even the fig tree Begs for water but for a fee It’s no time to be greedy Doesn’t mean don’t be ready But you too deserve a lifestyle It’s either now or later


This is an episode, Of women in sorrow. If you can today decode, Wait not for tomorrow. Even though I’m now tamed, What I do isn’t my will. They had my belly all drained, And I’m trying to refill.   Confess! and I confessed. Only repeat what we said, “I AM A WITCH” Else they amputate me. A statement which, I have failed to retweet.   But does it make any sense? If one cannot afford Samsung Why not go for Hisense? Even if I were a weak witch Wouldn’t I at night switch Into the bat that sung?   Keeping me in a WITCH CAMP, With my fate all clamped, Doesn’t hurt me at all. Yet those free and criticizing, Are the wizards after all. Were we to be witches, wouldn’t we flee at night?


You don’t need to get me too Bcos you know, I got you For skills are far advanced There’s this school I chanced Teaching me to better my kunfu So anytime you make trouble You shouldn’t be running, running, running Just hit my console And I’ll be running to you.   I am now a soldier Make I carry you on my shoulder Because you’re stubborn I wonder If we’ll ever be together I heard you’re staying with your mother But tell her she’ll see you no longer The love I planted in your under Is making you run to me.   Last week you said to ponder Over how weak you now are Allow me to spoil your mind To make friends of no kind As you think of hugging me Anytime you freeze by the weather When the thunder sounds louder Ask your pillow if I’ll ever, Be right here running to you.


Whereas they may be called fallopian Meals prepared by the ovarian Though with no account on YouTube They house that famous tube Striving and striking through A life far from what’s true Is there anyone responsible Why the mosquito nets Who sleeps here yet to be met And as you drive along circle You forget this is your preamble The child you ignored to nurse Although she boasts her father is a nurse Won’t mom be forced To eat dust and feed me flour Did dad lie saying mom was his flower? I’m a now a nine year old But consider young Joe How long, Should mom long For an end of this street battle Seeking alms not forthcoming If only that rapist did never exist We live, sleep and beg at airport Not because we are well off   But to see what life has installed Anytime the car parks to pick mom away I see tears in her smiles each day If not for us, she wouldn’t have said yes.


Just a church is placed far from a mosque Keep your bench away from the blue kiosk It is this advise Meant to keep me from vice That makes me love your mommy And I say again, With all disdain I hate your mummy- who dumped you Lovers of their own selves As early as in their age twelves Grow up into husband helpers Child care takers And family binders Yet, your mother Dumped you rather But I blame your father Who treated her like dummy Immediately we found you This baby shall live Was my wife’s faith Ooh my lovely Judith. And this is her diary, her last word “As I donate my kidney Saving a new world Tell her I’m sorry Six years more can I live To her my life I give Train her to be bold and Godly To help finish my story”


This was in a dream Real music in my ear Which ended my nightmare Early morning FM radio reggae My first ever experience I mean   Aalaaaaajh Mu Akbar Without strings nor cymbal That elongated rhythm With somewhat recital theme Always by a male soldier Calling worshippers together Echoed from that tall building Coned at top with moon adorning   Hallelujah….. !!! I woke up this evening Tired, weary and yawning Disturbed by the drumming The sound of harps and cymbal By voices that praised their God Times I expected to see no light They called it an “All night”     Albeit I would wish To be woken up by The Holy spirit passing by With just a tap, soft voice or a hiss.


Bind me not Like a rescue knot Tie me tight With all thy might If it is well in thy sight   To preserve the soup Cast out the bad nut   Although arithmetical uncouth The two shall surely be one A stain that sticks than glue Thy will be done Since you prefer brother Dan.   Puzzled was I Wonderful to my eye How similar their differences were Both donning an African wear.  Different people, different ambitions One hard, dark and fusty stack Versus soft, white and modernly smart Occasioned by lure, lust and love at last Can be made pure, to endure and cure That canker which we want no more   Watch not only the clock But learn how it tick-tocks Study how it moves A rolling stone gathers no moss We all deserve it That quality life That   smile caused by desires achieved.

DO this for Xmas

That wink u provoked The smile u evoked The desolate u embraced The footsteps of the needy u traced The hungry u predicted That isolation u evicted That hand u extended That burden u prevented That widow u comforted The fatherless u impacted The weak u strengthened The little thing u shared Truly showed u cared These are the flock u reared They ‘re the poultry u Fed; The lives u saved instead. This festive season brings back to u all u seem to have lost and wasted. Unequivocally: it’s your chance to do something if u never did anything.


It's a beautiful brand new day, And they finally have their way. A battle meant for peace, Should have been fought with ease. Keen to make it at all cost, Even that which is already lost, King of the north  Versus one who's had enough; Kin of the south. On grounds so tough, With words baked to be rough. It's not so surprising, The wave was uprising, Like snakes, they kept hissing, Forgetting the glory day is missing. Different party colours,  One people with different orders, One may have won, The other seems gone. Verily I say to Ghana, Who can tell the mind of God? I ask in a good manner,  Did we choose a king or kin? Maybe we overlooked, for our thumbs were so keen. Or our choice was for a man who isn't mean. He who battles and runs away, May not do so for fright, Nor for his passion to sway, But for the sake of moro's fight. It's a new day, Particularly a thrilling thursday. But things might not go the old way, I only suggest Come what may, Don't forget


As if in a dream  It's over it might seem Online results did stream And the night wasn't so mean  Early waking up is the norm To first greet daddy and mum  Each morning has it's own pace Yet the sun shows the old face. It's a new day Particularly a Tuesday But things might not go the old way  I only suggest Come what may Let's forge to laugh and play If possible Say nay to trouble Use this preamble ALL things are possible With A NEW START Nutrition: A balanced one Exercise: To harass stress Water: Half gallon for mental healing. Sleep: To be freed from distress Temperance: Self control we all need Air: A clean one for breath  Rest : good Enough for your health Trust in GOD: Is all I plead.


Your vote is your power,  An African fairytale. These are the words of Aaron Ramsdale  The goal keeper for England Who visited our motherland, "Your freedom cry was a vain demand" You should have told us You needed deception Campaign promises thus, Just to win an election. Neither Patriotic nor democratic Presiding over nations so frantic. Let us be aware  Of your evil snare  That empowers you to dare Proclaim lies and still swear While candidates meet to chit-chat supporters do tit-for- tat Why do you hide the truth That every term is planned Just like the season of fruit Rain and Sun knows when it's time has dawned. But now we know Tribalism won't help Education did show Partisanship won't help. Are they armed robbers Without loaded guns? Or merely caretakers  Hoarding for their sons? Just use your head  Don't vote for who gives bread he who teaches you to knead,  Abide by him instead. Your  vote isn't your power It's your freedom.


Yes, indeed  This you need  Even Paul said it We all should admit The only reason we fear Is our seemingly  lack Of cover from the rear A protective for our back. Put on the full armour Preached with much humour But hit me like tumour So let's not detour Ahead is an evil day And come what may You shall stand But first you must understand Gird your loins With few golden coins Of pure truth  It's one good fruit Add A breastplate  A righteous mate Step out with peace Begrudge not at ease After this gospel Take a shield of faith Then you will be able Just like every saint, Quench the fierce of the wicked Cover therefore your head A helmet of salvation instead Then pour out the word Which sharply cuts like a sword And since it's a spiritual mantle, Pray like it's a rap battle. The full armour of God excluded that which protects our back. Why? Because, God never wanted us to go back in life. He said, "be courageous and March forward".


Judge thee not! Why value tiger nut Instead of thy first Love? Lamentations from above After which of these Must we thirst? As man may please, Chose he first, That which seems best. Church, work and love Chirp, lurk like a dove Speck up early for work Your job must you save From the economic shipwreck  If Noah didn't value relationship With whom would he be in his ship? Quote biblically if you may To his wife a man shall cleave one day Love your life Spend time with your wife The counseling syllabus May suite your marital status But, that not withstanding Must it so be? To my understanding A deviation I see A rail constructed for us not for free Demanded by our vanity hunt spree Which we might be charged a fee So costly that only God can hear our plea. Think about this: Which is your first priority Church, work and relationship Which would you sacrifice? We're guilty not to blame economic hardship. If we are HIS,  Then to shine, let's arise!!!


Many are they  Formed by clay Others by sand Molded with hand. Touch not, was the command Why not, we duly demand Forgetting our ultimate duty Is upholding alginate beauty. How sad! None ever had Successfully done that. It isn't easy but, This fine girl Has a story to tell. To avoid a lengthy reading vice, She poemed this advice. Dutiful or butiful The former is a delight The latter isn't right Twins are counted as ones Although born at once, Their destiny only comes by chance. Everyone is beautiful, Very few however, are dutiful. Digging for gold hidden  Where benignly forbidden Doesn't take courage  But desire for such voyage  Suitors of truth and falsehood Far and within the neighborhood Who in your despair strongly stood Behind you as pillar that never shook May be fished out by common hook Helpers may fade Lovers may jade Money may not be there to take Especially when duty is at stake But personality A twin of integrity Faith of persistence Dimpled smile of beauty And

not MAN enough

Should I say breasted Swollen headed Rifty shouldered Or broad chested With the feet apart, fingers attached Reminiscing simulations of expected fallacies We still cannot promise  That which may only be a wish That by hook or crook We live not to miss One may hide his fear  Because people like him are rare Or when salvation is near But when a determined face  Is hidden behind a disposable mask, Then this is my take, "Lives are at stake For job security sake" Albeit: Positive mood and posture Creates a gigantean stature That holds onto a diminishing dream  And licks it like honey ice cream Therefore I am no moron In this metaphorical oxymoron; Of a naked dressed officer Wasting kiwi on black leather. But as we stand at our faith's peak It will take less than a week To prove we were never weak Courtesy only kept us meek But time on our side, shall speak And men shall find what they seek.

CHOICE I didn't make

It is said  With no meaning absurd  The toad is the best  To tell the real feel of water And not by a finger test. We hear the quotation, Your life is in your own hand My infidel interpretation Is, can life be fetched like sand? Some are born of spirits Others by woman Many as offsprings Only one by a virgin I fell in the peasant's farmhouse To a woman who never wore blouse Had friends whose hair birthed lice And siblings who survived on lies Those on the other side  Thought a river was like poolside And had TV to view "by the fireside" To them, life began at twenty While mine was waiting till forty. Weeding, pruning and thinning out Consoling myself that time won't run out   Producing the golden tree That the lucky kid calls chocolate. Since age three I knew I was getting late But whose choice is it Being unworthy or dear To be born with silver wear Or be birthed a misfit Had we, those in my shoe We the unlucky ones Without any choice, not once Come across that magic