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ANTS DON'T HATE SEX...... Have you seen ants making love before?

Have you seen ants making love before? They do better in mating but have better use for their pheromones and that makes them the wisest among animals.

Organisms can communicate or mate with each other is through the use of pheromones. An organism develops and emits these hormonal chemicals in order to relay a message to another member of the same species. Ants and bees demonstrate two prominent examples of pheromone usage, which acknowledges their incredible capability to organize the behaviors of the whole colony.

Called pheromones, they are biochemicals secreted from the body of an individual to impact the behavior of another individual receiving it.

Ants produce numerous different pheromones, each with its own distinct purpose. Ants secrete pheromones  to signal danger to the colony, or to give directions about a location. Other pheromones act as deterrents keeping out unwanted ants from foreign colonies or preying insectivores. Still other pheromones communicate ants to congregate. This explains how assiduous ants exercise remarkable cooperation in building a colony. Pheromones maintain the cohesiveness and organization of the complex ant communities. Certain types, such as alarm pheromones, produce a “releaser effect”, which induces a quick response and may be used to tell other ants to evacuate a dangerous area such as an approaching lawnmower. For example, when a spider approaches an ant will release alarm pheromones that alert all the other ants. Ants may also discharge alarm pheromones as a result from being diverted from their work, e.g. heavy human steps. Releaser pheromones are also used to mark territory. As the chemical deposited dries, it signals to other species members of the territory’s occupant. That is why ants are termed Colony; Colonizing all areas they want and living in a mansion called Ant hill.

However, other animals take delight in using their special gifts and nature for basically mating.
1. The blue and green peacock (male of the peafowl species) uses his enormous tail feathers to attract a mate.
2. Female deer find larger antlers attractive, and males often use them in competition for mates, just like in arm wrestling.
3. The widowbird is unique with the 50cm (nearly two feet) long tail-feathers that weigh the males down in attraction. The only function they serve is attraction for mating.
4. Guppies perform a sort of mating dance to attract mates, the brightly colored males growing long tails to emphasize the way their bodies twist and turn.
5. Males( Sage grouse) use their chests as inflatable display pieces (proudly chest out) as a part of its mating dance, Although looking odd yet comfortable and attract females.
6. After hibernation, a female red sided garter snake releases a pheromone that attracts hundreds of males to surround her in a gigantic mating ball.
7. Galapagos Giant Tortoises might have to stick their neck out to get a girl, literally. The males will stretch out their necks to determine who gets to mate, and only the tortoise with the longest neck will get to mount a female for their long hourly noisy coitus.

The message in short is that when you have what it takes to make it big in life, Do not desire only in the pleasure but use your leisure to create something worth the measure.


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