Recalling the days in senior high, when youthful exuberance was so high.
After the numerous inter school games, Achievers are exalted with numerous names
Then ladies begin to chase fame, Guys look out for a pretty face
Just to cut the story short, one entertainment night brought campus shock
After the “End Time Movie night”
Come see us in good spiritual heights
Even angels were less holy:
We served God with our hearts wholly
Forging to please him only
It continued but for a week, And spirituality became so weak.
To the things of the world students became so meek
Just like a teaser, we often keep Christ puzzled
Wondering why he was bruised, remembering the tears he shed
Pain builds heat in him like fever.
Come see our people in church, Even without space they would perch
Eager to give their substance, Dining with the Lord as if by chance.
Not giving the body of Christ the essence
At home, office and Markets, Christians are no different from others
Malice, Corruption and envy erupt like volcano
It’s an awe how none can say no
The world being churchy, and church being worldly
The so called dating, a visa for fornication
That unholy courtship, is emptying our arsenal for spiritual battleship
Let’s shun hypocrisy, adorning ourselves with integrity
None is righteous, yes not one
But He died for our sins to be gone
May this season end our acts that cause Jesus grief
This is my message in brief
Live each day reminiscent of the blood he bled.
Enjoy each day like it’s Easter.
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