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Made And Named ( MAN)

Gazing far beyond the ocean a fateful moon I see.
Even in this season where the waves are all over the sea.
It seems to me like a trance but obviously it is divinely by chance
Behold! A perfect creature molded by the hands of a potter,
An indeed splendid replica of his maker
MAN is the name, given him for supernatural fame
Literally; Made And Named.
Selflessly he slept, his vows were kept
And woman was the outcome of the operation
An everlasting end to that lonely situation
Man is honorably pervasive, powerful and prevalent
He is highly gifted with a lot of talents
He is of valor, the bearer of his maker’s amour.
The chief among many servants but always at service to even infants
Slavery it might seem in imagery but that is his own ministry.
He is so industrious, his ideas very lustrous.

This is the most honored of all men:
He walks not in the counsel of the ungodly
But sits in the path of righteousness awaiting his glory
His home is well managed, his children fear the rod
As for me and my house, we shall serve the lord.
He eats the word and drinks from His bloody pool- fellowship
On meekness he rides and tramples upon pride
He is always successful and the works of his hands are so fruitful
He forgives not because he isn’t strong but because such a deed isn’t wrong
Giving reverence to God, he waits upon the Lord.
Dressed up like a king; his crown is salvation, dress- righteous and shoes- faithful
Grace is his testimony, the reason he has so much money.
With his speech seasoned, his temperance softened, his gifts are not trodden.
 He is mature by nature, yes! He has attained the full measure of God’s stature.
This is the highest level of maturity, an epitome of spiritual purity and an evidence of transcendent intimacy.
Abounding in love, he is recognized in the city above.
Although he could not stay in Eden, his real home is Heaven.
Being incessant in prayer, he prays by saying, “thank you Lord for making me



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