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ADAPT, NORMALIZE and TRANSFORM your situations.

There is the need to become the (ANT). AdaptNormalize and Transform your situations.

To adapt is to change your behaviour, state, character, motive or nature to make it easier to function better or survive for a purpose. If you acclimatize to a different course without any purpose, then you are not better than flowing water. Your life must not be directed by situations just because you can adapt. Water flows in any direction that you channel it. All it needs is a little space. However, it will not flow to climb a hill. You must learn to adapt to situations but don’t be forced to do what won’t help you. The colony of ants are able to acclimatize to all ecosystems that they find themselves by adjusting their goals and mode of operations. If you wish to attain a level, give yourself a goal. A goal is a long term aim. However, do not give yourself only one part to achieving your goals. If you place a stone in the path of ants, they either climb it or divert their course but their goals their goals still remain in their minds.

The word ‘Normal’ as used by humans could mean different but similar in relation to different situations. But to normalizehere, I am referring to coming back to a desired expected state. In science, a normal body temperature could be 37 degrees Celsius. That is the desired and expected temperature for the body. A normal person could be someone in a right state of mind or without impairment. That is why the mad are referred to as abnormal. They move and act not based on their will as humans but some force or spirit that operate in them. You can normalize your situation by getting up after the fall. That is why we Christians believe that though we may fall a thousand times, we shall rise ten thousand times as soldiers. The ant does not only adapt to the environment but it normalizes it to favour its operation. If you do not learn to suit your environment your environment, your environment cannot suit you. When situations get out of control, the best answer to help achieve your dreams is a big NO. Grab your Next Opportunity.

 NO, is the simplest negative answer you can think of.
But it’s actually the best plane that takes off.
One may see it harsh but I see it soft.
It not a word that causes despair but rather a tool used to repair.
When disappointed at an interview, by partner or relative, say NO.
Thank your lord and leave, I mean go.
The real No comes when God raises His mighty hands.
Just relax and give Him thanks.
NO isn’t for discouragement but reinforcement.
God’s blessings are abundant and not limited by time’s scarcity.
NO from man limits your opportunity but that from God is interpreted with great authority.
So anytime you hear NO for an answer, focus on your aspirations and await your NEXT OPPORTUNITY.

According to Merriam Webster, to transform is to change completely usually in a positive way. Any word with trans usually does not connote something static or not changeable. Transportation, transition, translation are all step-by-step processes. Toform something usually requires creating a thing and causing it to exist as you desire it. Therefore, transformation could be seen as a change in the state of something by desiring to make it better. To transform only means improving and and re-writing a better story.

So magnificent it appears but not to forget, the anthill was formally a bare ground. When ant finds food bigger than it can carry, that’s an impossibility. It leaves traces behind through ‘pheromones’ and others follow that trace to provide a helping hand. Thus, impossibility is transformed into possibility. The Bible says, (Rom 12:2) we can be transformed only by renewing our minds and that is when we can achieve our purpose. To transform your situation, have the mind-set that you can. If a sore on your leg makes you sit at one place every day, doing nothing, you will one day get rotten and smell like something.

To transform your situation, make good friends, find good mentors and read good books but ultimately seek God. Make wise friends, for bad company corrupts good character (Prov.23:9). Ants walk and live in their colony because they have some ambition which must be pursued together. Birds of a feather surely flock together. And the Lord said unto me, arise, get thee down quickly from hence; for the people which thou hast brought forth out of Egypt have corrupted themselves. They have turned aside out of the way which I commanded them: They have made them molten image (Deut. 9:12). Here, those Egyptians that followed the Israelites out of Egypt had incited the people of God to make a golden calf to worship in the absence of Moses. So instead of waiting for bad situations to affect you, transform them first.

 If those who made it in life really made it through the right means, then they ate the Ant.


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