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We mostly hear the comparison; as white as snow, Although often there's nothing pure they show. But this lady is as fair as shrimp's below. Were she a song, I'ld listen till my ear lobe blow There's a toffee shop down the lane, The sweetness in its pack gets me insane. An estate girl has it for sale, My route and her footpath is same, When we first met she told me a love thale, And I now love her so who's to blame? Toffees are sweet but only to those who taste them. This one wrapped brown is my problem. Before meeting her, I ate pancake. And it's why she's refusing me her chocolate. If not for love, I'll spank her for being late. Can I yet vomit in her arms, To free my belly of old charms, And wed her in one of my golden farms? The time is soon and the date set Next new moon or June I bet Plans are made, is the cash ready? The man is late, but is the bride groomed already?

The harmless storm

It hasn't been any different from what I sought, That bottle of oil my wife had bought To save our son we gracefully begot. Borges was our patrimonial argot But "He" asked, "Is that all you've got" Who then is He? The man who baptized we. "He" represents all false prophets, Who studied the holy pamphlets And to amass for their own pockets, Deceive the religious illiterates To unbind any ties with soul mates Hence, sanitizing their thinking cups. This is how we lost hope, Our faith in him was so dope Trusting he could help us cope, But Rev Father Corona was an expired coke Who had semblance of a good Pope. You have a child with deformity we were told, A son of about thirty minutes old, Being our first time is why we felt cold However, if Fennel and I were then bold This story wouldn't today unfold. With nurses mimicking the unfortunate road he plied, Its Iris appear red, brown, yellow like dyed. Simply, our kid was declared a one-eyed As the doc


Has no one heard it? That news edited on CNN Saying Kotoka took a golden receipt Yellowish indeed like MTN For a fight Nkrumah did forfeit As telecasted on EBN  Was a blend of Irony and Pun Literally said, a flash in the pan. A supposed peaceful mission  Led to his seat being missing Ensuring calm in foreign Hanoi While at home tranquility was insanely coy And public debts that had masses to annoy. Remember the union of Ghana-Guinea, Our pounds given her to settle a fee Blinded our ancestors eyes to see A dream of unified black continent And named him among Sekou Toure's cabinet Instead of being the United State of Africa's president. So we all embraced democracy  As Papa Jay decided to end his own papacy Which we mesmerized with our sexy eyes And stalled development till prof dies. Did we benefit from the freedom demand? Wasn't our destiny in only one hand? Does NDC or NPP have any magic wand? Are they a curse or bless that annually abound? When at all shall our thinking c


Last night was only a gist perusal It's quite funny when man takes sensual monuments as usual. We aren't any doyen in geological fields as we claimed And even the lil know-how we bluff is maimed. Last night is no different but not same  Compared to what Japan called insane Ours was just a tremor That drained the carbohydrates in our late night fufus And drove back at us the awareness of possible horror Maybe Accra felt it, even the soil living fungus  There is a force upholding the universe Whose potency can't be explained in a poetic verse So I decided to avoid the internet To present to you my single sonnet.


All I saw was her hands around me and mine tightly around her waist. For about an hour I couldn't let go of her as she said," I wish we stay like this all time". If only you were all mine, I added. The feeling was mutual and the ecstasy behind the hug, unusual. She continued,"Do you love me? Anytime I set my eyes on your lips, I don't want to lose you." So I questioned," What of in the harmattan? The arms fused so tightly now lost grips and the hug came to abrupt end. This was when I woke up. We all have who we love dearly but ask yourself if you love because of love, the beauty of it or just for that attraction. Many youth would do anything just to earn love, admiration and acceptance. But are those necessary, if they are, could that be the only means to touch the heart of that special person? It was only two days after they exchanged contacts and my friend described this lady as good at kissing. ( I still cannot tell what that means) Pretending not to


The crossroad is a place of confusion, where you can’t rely on your intuition. There, any wrong turn could lead to eternal condemnation. If and when you get there, Never submit to fear but rather take courage and cheer. Pause for a moment in any situation. Prayerfully discern at that junction. Listen to your respondent, let the Holy Spirit function. At least for once, certainly not by chance. I have this to share so take your stance. You might have been or may get there soon. It may be dawn, night or noon. When you forget what to do, or you don’t know where to go. Upon you darkness looks and certainty seems very low. Call onto Him and grace will flow. Times will come that you may lust, not because you are bad. But surely you are dust and in you flows blood. Rely not on your flesh but flee fast, forget not the salvation you once had. You may feel like coining lyrics to defray your neighbour's insolence. Remember that the Holy Spirit is your conscience. Just tame the tongue, for the


Is it deliberate that at least man is now literate, Or we are so intimate that His decision to obliterate is now obsolete. If indeed there has been a need so keen, Then let's ask the wisest of our king What the master had in mind To structure a universe of this kind With worldwide wonders woefully wielded without whimsical wisdom. Let man leave his dad's hive Cleave onto his beloved wife Then craft a niche, an abode to hide. I have never stopped my enquiries Into my book of bible stories As if yet to hear of previous queries If God knew Adam would eat those berries Or it was Eve who weakened his testes Perhaps it's the snake's power of hisses. Ye are gods, such weird biblical quotation But willfully wired robots, God's nation. So consider an era of creation Where artificial intelligence had no mention Yet the bird was made with feet insulation To curb the threats of future electrocution, And semen from army of seamen Fight for ovaries in fertile women To omen a scho


Now I don’t know what to think, but some day it will all be in ink. I look without seeing, am I even a human being. To me, everything exists without meaning. My language is a cry, but I only calm myself with a smile. Today I take milk, but tomorrow I will break bones. Now am wrapped in silk, but soon I will wear clothes. Hmm! They leave me in pampers, am now among toddlers. Both the young and old handle me. Love and admiration are all I can see. Sometimes how hurtful it can be, especially when bathed by the geriatric. I have no option than to accept their plea. In fact a little smile does the trick. I am now a boy but frankly, am coy. I can’t even cook but I can eat yolk. Where is all the tenderness, where is all the care? How come all this harshness, why all these snare? My ideas are not significant, as tiny as an ant. All my vocals create fun, commonly ignored with laughter. I hate this pan; maybe, I should sound louder. But my cry is an unnoticed plea When shall I be free, I wish I


I WAS TOLD JUNE 4TH WAS A NATIONAL DISASTER, ONLY TO GROW AND REALIZE HE IS HUMAN RATHER, A SELFLESS HOUSE CLEANER. Had I the chance to enforce my stands, I'd dance till everyone understands, And would proclaim a period of enlightenment, That our historians failed to document; The hidden secret of Parliament, Which hid from us the sacred monument, That birthed the bouncy baby of 4th June, Who took blame and a bitter fortune, And vaccinated the castle for us all to be immune. Yet, does immunity connote dancing to every tune? What is the need for a "demo" with no one to see? Is there a weed at all if all plants are useful by Mr Bee? An answer is our only youthful plea, And further expiations if need be, Should we hail our democracy at sea? Since the contractor doesn't trust his carnal sense of judgement, He uses the Spirit Level in ensuring accurate alignment. But the mason who fails to employ quality material, Only meets clie


Being born in a Medina community,  Gave me the zeal to help humanity, Not for their lack of man's basic need, But for the luck that I now have people to feed. Seldom did I take part in Islamic activities, For the idea of the zongo hostilities. Yet, As long as I grew with their husbands, I realized not all sad news is created by their hands. It's only a notion that each child is assumed to have played in the sands. With my encounter with the second Sheikh of the land, Islam in focus was what thought me the goodness in Islam's demand. The rhetoric is only an iota of truth in each religion, That there is a "Mensah" in each tradition. I played with Abdul after my Sunday school, And ate with Aisha each break at school. Sometimes Sheikh himself took us out to the pool, Don't fight was his only golden rule. Amelia would bring my mum a basket of food, And I cannot forget the symbolic aroma that flies in all their meals. Eve


After all, I'm not that oblivious of life's prospects. Although I'm not as religious as the prophets. I can bless lives by coining the alphabets. Before one dreams, he must first sleep. Below big streams is a valley so deep. And every hill has a leeward quite steep. Consider if beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, Cameras would be envied by the ordinary photographer. This is how I wrote my letter:  Dear future, What hast thou for we? LIFE, as healthy and old as we can be. MONEY, to acquire the tangibles we see. WIFE, a faithful one just cute like me. All the above and to love God, my plea. I have sojourned to shores of a blue sea, With good council and a jug of green tea, Amidst lessons from an ant and a lil bee. Too many friends make enemies out of nothing, Making allies out of your foes is virtue worth knowing. If one always gets the lips to your ear just to say something, He may be nursing evil which couldn't germinate


When power surpasses prowess, Corruption then rules the process Whiles litigating with free flow of progress And finally "econs" call it a "recess". White colour job is the dream of the 90% in education, Although many end up in somewhat not the ideal situation, Schooling is definitely what helps build an all powerful nation. Just like many, the African gets up in bedrooms, And after shabbily leaving their bathrooms, Each morning with a lunch box of mushrooms, Arrive in hurry to follow the norms in the classrooms. The cycle continues with future dreams carried forward, Assumed as the job-career a guardian has for his ward. The hullabaloo and higgledy-piggledy that led us to tertiary, Soon leaves us in a state of fury, Not for our wrong choices at puberty, But the crave for scholarship and prosperity. Behold the entangled in a course called political science, Becoming prophets with leadership and public speaking signs. Corru