And this is how you wrote your letter to be given to whom you fell in love with:
How are you, I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me. You left only your word and I cannot imagine what’s going on in the heavens. No more visions, prophecies nor dreams. You make me feel neglected my love.
So many turbulences are persuading me against your love. But I know that only you can make my dreams come true. If I think of you then I begin feeling proud that am dating such a wonderful being like you.
It makes me feel like flying away from this canal race to lay in wait at our usual meeting place. Your touch and warm embrace even keeps me in love with you forever. Being with you makes me wallow in an ecstatic anointing. Loving you has really been a blessing.
I appreciate all sacrifices you made for me even to the point of death. If only I could please you in total righteousness and live my live in pure holiness.
If I had the power to manipulate the universe, I would organise my ways to remain the man after your only heart. For indeed I know how jealous you can be.
If only I could do your will forever, I would have no sins to remember.
You promised me that if I could stay with you awhile, you wouldn’t hesitate to unveil to me a humble smile. Your unflinching love I always admire and I want to put you on like my attire.
In fact, LORD JESUS! You alone do I desire.
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