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.....WHEN YOU CHOOSE .......


To do anything for what I want, am ready.
I don't have much and so am greedy. 
What I have is not enough, how can I help the needy?
I am not satisfied with the little I have, I want plenty.
I find life so tasty. Enjoying my leisurely with beautiful ladies out there. 
Just call on Queen Z and she Will be here.
Alcohol is good for the rainy season but no feeling is better than smoking in the rain. 
I thought I had everything to gain.
Not knowing it would now be to my disdain.
I heard about God but never knew He could be that close and an antidote to the worldly dose that I chose.
With no idea about what He could provide, 
I asked where in me He would reside.
That was why I still lived in theft and lied, with no value for His son that died.

I have in me this strong feeling, making random melodies like a guitar string.
A spirit and powerful force, Fiercely armed like air force.
He is a man, my lover and God. 
After giving my life to Him, am now a better person.
Far from Him for long and now I have learnt my lesson.
This is the right season to have my iniquity forgiven.
His strength now guides me within and my success hails from heaven.
Causing in me guilt for doing wrong. But in good deeds, resurrecting in me a new song.
That's the Holy Spirit:
Prayer upholds me, faith uplifting me and holiness draws me closer. 
I enjoy this new found love life. That's why am a Christian.

I am free to be alone, chill, have fun and plan.
I need a fulfilled life, no regrets nor strife.
When I can finally say I have achieved.
With my aspirations as youth perceived, I won't get entangled with unripe lust and vain love.
I need total self reliance, with true wealth in ambiance.
That's why am satisfied being single, ready to mingle but not idle.

I met this lady I love so dearly. Her calls wake me up very early.
And that defined my sweetheart clearly.
Her love keeps going and all she wants I can't stop doing.
Her beautiful character is that of a kind.
Her love isn't blind but kind.
I can fend for myself with my household under control. 
I can leave office anytime for a stroll and yet cash will flow. Business is booming with my love for God zooming. 
As for me and my household, we shall still serve the Lord!!!
Am indeed successful with my investments and establishments. 
In fact I dream big every moment.
I have feelings to enjoy life too. Yet, in the manner approved by God. 
Fornication will only bring me against God's punishment rod. 
That's why am married and mesmerized.

I am gifted to write and rhyme.My words are blessed to charm. They bring salvation and no harm.
I sometimes scribble with pun and doing so is seldom fun.
That is why am a blogger.

We all did certain things when we didn't know God. But after accepting Christ, we can certainly live a free life in Him and still be successful as humans. Just do what you feel free doing in the Godly way. We are in an era of societal pressure where the least influence can cause you to alter God's purpose for your life. WHEN YOU CHOOSE, CHOOSE RIGHT!!!


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