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Can a father force a son who has denounced his parents to remain a son forever?
We embark on a holy escapade, and only perseverance and faith can lead us there.

Once saved is not forever saved for we are sojourners in this biosphere.
Let’s avoid falsified ideologies and remember that Christ is our only reason for being here.

All men are entitled to salvation but each has a part to play.
He completed His duty by dying for you so what is your effort today?
Apostasy is gradual and hence must be taken Critical:
Is it disobedience, doubt, renouncement or unbelief?
Do you think the deceitfulness of sin and worldly pleasures can give you relief?

Today if you hear His voice, harden not your heart.
Christianity is the best choice; trade it not for worldly fat.
That could be the greatest mistake on your part
We are sojourners on earth, washed from sin and dirt.
Let’s therefore abstain from sin that leads to death

Even if you are, refuse to remain in that sate
From this perverse world, you can surely escape
Your strength comes from God who leads you beside still waters
Aim for the New Jerusalem, a better heaven
Yearn to succeed in this holy race
Fight for the ultimate salvation.


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