“You are a mighty man of valour” the angel told GIDEON. We Christians are more than that. We are the body of Christ, a holy nation, heirs with Christ-sons of God. Many have swayed since the beginning and many more might backslide in these latter days that are dominated by almost unavoidable worldly pleasures. Christians of these days can only survive by being very sensitive to the voice of the Spirit, Keeping the charge and Radiating His essence. Thus, a critical moment for pure gold to come out of fire.
God created man in His own image, after His own likeness and with His own hands. Yet, men fell into the hands of the evil one even in the Garden. Saul fell from being the mighty man described in 1 Sam: 9v2 to a very vulnerable end. David was a man after God’s own heart but he fell on the path of his glorious life. Solomon also had the world’s wisdom and wealth but fell along the road. What might is more than wisdom and wealth? Could it be the power of women? Oh Samson.
Moses failed to get to the Promised Land because of anger and disobedience. Although Jesus Christ was with the disciples, Judas, due to greed and love for money, fell in an awful pattern…after availing himself for the devil to use.
If we fall a thousand times, let’s rise up ten thousand times. Paul arose from the pursuit of Christians to a teacher of Christianity…An Apostle of God. As perilous times approach, be sure to awake from slumber else the enemy may plant weeds among the wheat. Take heed, that no man deceive you.. Beware of false knowledge, for it more dangerous than ignorance.
Be ye sure that the word of God is yet true. Also, remember that the end is near and evil is multiplying. False doctoring is evolving and many more Christians shall not be able to stand till the last day. Blessed be you who can stand erect and by His grace, join the saints on the last day to sing “GLORY GLORY HALLELUYAH”.
Bible Reference…2Sam:2v19, 25&27.
Quote: Fail not to pray if you are the prey.