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After all, I'm not that oblivious of life's prospects. Although I'm not as religious as the prophets. I can bless lives by coining the alphabets. Before one dreams, he must first sleep. Below big streams is a valley so deep. And every hill has a leeward quite steep. Consider if beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, Cameras would be envied by the ordinary photographer. This is how I wrote my letter:  Dear future, What hast thou for we? LIFE, as healthy and old as we can be. MONEY, to acquire the tangibles we see. WIFE, a faithful one just cute like me. All the above and to love God, my plea. I have sojourned to shores of a blue sea, With good council and a jug of green tea, Amidst lessons from an ant and a lil bee. Too many friends make enemies out of nothing, Making allies out of your foes is virtue worth knowing. If one always gets the lips to your ear just to say something, He may be nursing evil which couldn't germinate


When power surpasses prowess, Corruption then rules the process Whiles litigating with free flow of progress And finally "econs" call it a "recess". White colour job is the dream of the 90% in education, Although many end up in somewhat not the ideal situation, Schooling is definitely what helps build an all powerful nation. Just like many, the African gets up in bedrooms, And after shabbily leaving their bathrooms, Each morning with a lunch box of mushrooms, Arrive in hurry to follow the norms in the classrooms. The cycle continues with future dreams carried forward, Assumed as the job-career a guardian has for his ward. The hullabaloo and higgledy-piggledy that led us to tertiary, Soon leaves us in a state of fury, Not for our wrong choices at puberty, But the crave for scholarship and prosperity. Behold the entangled in a course called political science, Becoming prophets with leadership and public speaking signs. Corru


Thinking of love, I feel it's a verb.  Knowing it's not from above, is a spiritual proverb. In order to create, one's technology must be superb. And to see the truth, I had to read beyond the blurb. Then I figured that not all interesting novels have a good spine. But there's this cute parcel of mine, Which wakes me by a daily chime, In my quest to kidnap a finger of thine, To help ring my bell for a lifetime. But what is love? Is it a feeling of ripples on a nipple, A thought of not forgetting people, Or the romantic things making sex simple, It's not just a noun whose bonding qualities are ample. Love is beyond the care I show to you as an example, And more than a sweet pothole in your cheek called dimple, Nor the smell of a perfume. It's a little more than poems saying "you are a pure perpetual plume" My love, and its definition is in your youth.  Your smile and tone is so couth, Sticking on the walls of


For it is appointed unto man to be born once,  But the woman is gifted with multitude births of triplets, twins and ones, And growth in stature in measures of ounce. Blessed is the woman whose baby at birth is said to bounce, For she shall receive a mothers day reward in pounds. Today is the judgement day And to the semi, partial and full mothers, Here are the testimonies of your good manners. Those who with hot water squeezed our skulls with the intention of shaping our rocky heads, And the many who run after us just to take our bath, With the few who would allow us swim in the sand till we bury our beads, And the churchy ones who wake us early on the Sabbath. We are grateful for the geriatric grand Mum's acting as maids, And the celebrities who dress their girls like mermaids. Also, the busy lady who never rested till our fees were fully paid. The peasant woman who carries us at same time with firewood, And the paranoid lady in the neighborhood,


Once upon a time is a statement in my early days book. No matter how sad or blissful your goodnight face may look, My dad will gracefully get a bible story to cook. This man can conjure and may brew from the unleavened brook. Then he told me how stable our stadiums were until they once-upon-a-day shook. That's why I have lived with Ghana's may nineth. A true once-upon-a-time that changed day into night. My first ever soccer game in Accra  to witness, Unraveled to my surprise the hearts-kotoko weakness, And the Men-in-black policing with strategic bruteness. That which TV3 captioned "May 9th Disaster Anniversary" Which for a decade stood as Africa's worst football stadium story. Coinciding with my first day in Accra celebration,  As I moved from the far West to settle in the so-called southern region. In fact, come see a villager turned into a legion.  But there is a way of man that eats him up, Maybe because we drink from a po


So I got to Nigeria last year.  And realized I was rather in Europe's England, yeah! I wasn't informed was my reply in multiple shocks, As I was asked to present my 50 pounds as the party still rocks. The practice of paying for the food you will eat at a party, Was being implemented in my fellow African country. That's how I noticed we still can't fry our own fish. Even those who can, only blend it in a foreign dish. Just as prophesy is in ratio to prediction without spirituality, So is insurance in similitude to assurance in the pension industry.  Forgive my poetic use of pun,  As you follow my information as well as have fun. Every culture, they say is dynamic, Even when indigenous way of life is dwindling. They say Africans are systematic, While actually the individuals are not psychologically progressing. The fact is that, if you can't fry your tilapia, Just smoke it with an art of euphoria. In simple terms,  In prepari


COVID 19 In December it sounded like normal cold, At least only in a small town and just few weeks old. Then came Mr long January, Whose hands were long enough to reach every country. And then we heard of a world spread to Italy. February was bold enough to proclaim a worldwide pandemic, And since then everything has turned static. My dear March, April and May For not lingering too long, I say thanx very much. But your visit didn't let us enjoy our independence day's match, As you did very wrong, for throwing that invisible punch. Hail June, July and August To your maker, kindly forward our prayer, That for four months, the world has been in danger. Every body is now a stranger, Even you can't trust the baby in a manger. That notwithstanding, We are optimistically hoping. This pandemic like others, cannot last forever. All mighty September to December Our goodbye wish, Is that your corona legacy soon perish. With these vaccines from Wuhan and Pari


A statement that keeps your admirer at stalemate. Especially if he/she has been keen intimate. Many are called but few chosen, An allusion from the books of heaven. The multitude shall be shortlisted to only a dozen, Sometimes it is a team of eleven, Then to the last seven. All camped in a single haven. And as if a time to have fulfilling sighs, And both respond YES. But fortunately, only the right-eye, Can look into your heart's tiny hole. A woman who can save your soul, With whom you can create and make a family so whole. Only afterwards that you can SAVE THE DATE!!!

BRAINS that never get DRAINED

Nothing biased here so I will start with the dark and lovely, so pious and friendly. Endowed with enough earthed resources and fast leaners as well. Proudly evolving are the Africans. They never give up, and value pursuit of success even if it will mean travelling to unknown land of milk and honey Formerly Super powers. Now even a greater continent. Gargantuan in technology and stature. A newly discovered sect, now a voice irresistibly controlling the whole world. America shall always stand tall . Asia, so far from home. So fair and dear. Not very tall in stature but pioneers of ideas. Just name a thing and they will get it done at your price. It is undeniable they are formally the world power. I LOVE CHINESE Not less than a country but more than a nation. In unity lies strength. In fact, they do the unimaginable and are so self-dependent and sufficient. Simply, they are Australians. Talk of beauty and eloquence, be it integrity. With precision and freedom, they forge to live peace

Tiny Mighty... The ANT

So magnificent it appears but not to forget, the anthill was formally a bare ground. When ant finds food bigger than it can carry, that’s an impossibility. ADAPT To change your behaviour, state, character, motive or nature to make it easier to function better or survive for a purpose. If you acclimatize to a different course without any purpose, then you are not better than flowing water. Your life must not be directed by situations just because you can adapt. Water flows in any direction that you channel it. All it needs is a little space. NORMALIZE The word ‘Normal’ as used by humans could mean different but similar in relation to different situations. But to normalize here, I am referring to coming back to a desired expected state. TRANSFORM To transform is to change completely usually in a positive way, (Merriam Webster). Any word with trans usually does not connote something static or not changeable. Transportation, transition, translation are all step-by-step processes. For


Which hope we have, as the anchor of the soul......................................... Sing it or Recite it (poem of psalms) This world is not my own Heaven is my only home All these seeds i have dared and sown Its because here(on earth) I was birth and grown So everywhere (like the river) I wish I had flown A place of fun, trial and pun Path of nun, trail of the sun Chasing fate and yet little faith Wishing for manna, yet no manners I guess fraud would do more honour Dying are the many working for money The chaste are scantily gloomed in beauty Bcos of the cosmetic world is all made up Should I not chase pretty girls Here they are, arrayed like pearls A sexual relationship by this time won't hurt At my age, isn't it worth? After-all, I have health and wealth. BUT: Which hope we have in Jesus, as the achor of the soul: So sure and steadfast What at all can separate us from the love of God? On what else is our faith built than the solid Rock? Wh


Capturing everything like a drone, with an eye of a million pixels. It’s understandable why together, we always win Like Liverpool never walking alone, every guy is indeed a twin. But my twinny is too troublesome- It’s a male syndrome After reading my story, you will understand guys better : Penny is my name, Peny is my twinny’s Our names almost same, we are together called PENNIES. He is good at guessing but I dislike how he keeps memories. I call him my mind’s eye because he sees and reacts to what I think: Set your mind on a Coca-Cola shape and he is willing to taste, Focus while viewing and his desire gets even stronger, When he gets out of control, he can even disgrace you. Because he lives in my mind, I only stop thinking, And immediately like a clock without battery, he stops ticking. Sometimes unstoppable, controlling all things possible. Is she fair or dark with beauty proven rare? Peny shall always dare. She could be your friend and you have no ill feelings. Together


Sex was a factor considered by the potter when moulding came to His mind. Male and female created He them. Whether male or female, single or married, or hermaphrodite, these codes are needed in defining a blissful life-THE SWEETEST THINGS IN LIFE-Here is my heirarchy WORSHIP You may sing, dance, pray, live holy and serve God. What at all can be sweeter than doing what can grant you eternal life? LAUGHTER  Mine sounds funny but doing it makes me happy. I can laugh till tears drop and that takes away pain and stress. It heals and releases boredom, reduces ageing and makes you happy. MUSIC  The instrumentals, the tone of voice, the feelings in the heart and ears. It's too good a sound to fail to enjoy. WATER  Bath is refreshing but to quench your thirst is more than satisfaction. From the mouth through the oesophagus, if you don't value water ask the plant.-Try the desert. WIND(Air)  Sweat and see, sailors understand but who can choose not to breathe? FOOD  Eating

DIG FOR GOLD and I will add DIAMOND.

Always I ask why am here on earth and what am going to find in my daily search for God and wealth. Whether your question is same or different, God wants you to continue digging................................... There is a major reason you need not fear Neither do you have to shed a tear No matter the plight, look around am here Right on sight, if you cannot see me call and am there Day by day, week by week, month and year. You are the resource i need to create wealth for you. But you need to spit out your quandary, DIG FOR GOLD and I will add DIAMOND. Swallow these magical words as i work by your side ; I am highly favored and worthy Am rich and healthy. No one has power to determine my status Because am God's last born-very pompous. Let these words guide you with faith With persistent perseverance, create your fate. GOD BLESS YOU FOR READING . MAY HE COMFORT YOU FOR DECLARING . YOU ARE ENTITLED TO MORE BY FOLLOWING

Dream Your Thought

As tiny as it is, the ant possess only big thoughts. It could sleep and find food each time it feels hungry. At least a small particle of smoked salmon from the kitchen is big enough to satisfy the colony. However, the ant has big thought. It thinks big into the future such that it does not cease working.  I love the lyrics of this song by Ryan Shupe very much: When you cry be sure, dry your eyes For better days will surely come When you smile be sure, smile wide Don’t let them know that they have won When you walk, walk with pride Don’t show the hurt inside Because the pain will soon be gone When you see, see the beauty All around and in yourself It will help you feel okay When you pray, pray for strength to help you carry on When troubles come your way When you dream, dream big As big as the ocean blue When you dream it might come true When you dream, dream big Sometimes we dream out of our thoughts. As literal as this may seem, if you thi

Did you know YOU are an acronym?A Successful person is not different from YOU

A Successful person is not different from YOU. Did you know YOU are an acronym? Just Yearn for more, Observe the pattern of success and Understand your purpose in life. After eating the Ant, it is now in you. The following are ways to keep it alive in you and with it, your success is assured in all your endeavours: Have big thoughts, be disciplined, get a mentor who will influence you, plan willingly and rely on God. Y EARN To yearn for something is to have a strong desire to have that particular thing sought after. It could be material, intangible or spiritual. However, it is expedient we yearn for what would not destroy us. In this world, people ought to yearn for wealth, academic excellence, and prosperity. But the urge for absolute power and fame tends to paint ambitious people as though they are worldly. It is good to aim high but not forgetting that even as power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely except God is involved. If God does not build the hous

ADAPT, NORMALIZE and TRANSFORM your situations.

There is the need to become the  (ANT).   Adapt ,  Normalize  and  Transform  your situations. A DAPT To  adapt  is to change your behaviour, state, character, motive or nature to make it easier to function better or survive for a purpose. If you acclimatize to a different course without any purpose, then you are not better than flowing water. Your life must not be directed by situations just because you can adapt. Water flows in any direction that you channel it. All it needs is a little space. However, it will not flow to climb a hill. You must learn to adapt to situations but don’t be forced to do what won’t help you. The colony of ants are able to acclimatize to all ecosystems that they find themselves by adjusting their goals and mode of operations. If you wish to attain a level, give yourself a goal. A goal is a long term aim. However, do not give yourself only one part to achieving your goals. If you place a stone in the path of ants, they either climb it or divert thei