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Dream Your Thought

As tiny as it is, the ant possess only big thoughts. It could sleep and find food each time it feels hungry. At least a small particle of smoked salmon from the kitchen is big enough to satisfy the colony. However, the ant has big thought. It thinks big into the future such that it does not cease working.  I love the lyrics of this song by Ryan Shupe very much: When you cry be sure, dry your eyes For better days will surely come When you smile be sure, smile wide Don’t let them know that they have won When you walk, walk with pride Don’t show the hurt inside Because the pain will soon be gone When you see, see the beauty All around and in yourself It will help you feel okay When you pray, pray for strength to help you carry on When troubles come your way When you dream, dream big As big as the ocean blue When you dream it might come true When you dream, dream big Sometimes we dream out of our thoughts. As literal as this may seem, if you thi

Did you know YOU are an acronym?A Successful person is not different from YOU

A Successful person is not different from YOU. Did you know YOU are an acronym? Just Yearn for more, Observe the pattern of success and Understand your purpose in life. After eating the Ant, it is now in you. The following are ways to keep it alive in you and with it, your success is assured in all your endeavours: Have big thoughts, be disciplined, get a mentor who will influence you, plan willingly and rely on God. Y EARN To yearn for something is to have a strong desire to have that particular thing sought after. It could be material, intangible or spiritual. However, it is expedient we yearn for what would not destroy us. In this world, people ought to yearn for wealth, academic excellence, and prosperity. But the urge for absolute power and fame tends to paint ambitious people as though they are worldly. It is good to aim high but not forgetting that even as power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely except God is involved. If God does not build the hous

ADAPT, NORMALIZE and TRANSFORM your situations.

There is the need to become the  (ANT).   Adapt ,  Normalize  and  Transform  your situations. A DAPT To  adapt  is to change your behaviour, state, character, motive or nature to make it easier to function better or survive for a purpose. If you acclimatize to a different course without any purpose, then you are not better than flowing water. Your life must not be directed by situations just because you can adapt. Water flows in any direction that you channel it. All it needs is a little space. However, it will not flow to climb a hill. You must learn to adapt to situations but don’t be forced to do what won’t help you. The colony of ants are able to acclimatize to all ecosystems that they find themselves by adjusting their goals and mode of operations. If you wish to attain a level, give yourself a goal. A goal is a long term aim. However, do not give yourself only one part to achieving your goals. If you place a stone in the path of ants, they either climb it or divert thei


God is not unwilling for us to be wealthy else King Solomon would have a different story. It is His will and wish that we prosper. Jesus and Mohammed (no matter their differences) stress in teaching that as humans, we find our purpose in life and be self-dependent. In order not to be a burden, you must be able to use what you have to get what you need to have. There are various interpretations of this statement above but mine is different. You have God and so you must use your faith and works to get the success you want. Remember that goodness and mercy are your followers so be their leader. It is imperative to recognize and understand what God has placed in you_ seeds of happiness, joy, peace, strength and vision for your life. Once you understand this, you will be able to push past your fears, dry your tears and claim your cheers and wave into your destiny with confidence. If you over depend on someone for food, clothing, shelter, fees, money and other needs you will at a po


No matter the beginning, the end is what actually matters in life’s journey. Some athletes have fast start while others have finishing momentum. Would you want to start quick and stagger in the middle only to realize that you are overtaken in the final lap? Let not your size, background, failures and discouragements inhibit you from attaining the success desired. Most oft than not, though small or weak, every creation of God can achieve greatness. The Ant as you bear witness is a tiny (insect) animal but has the greatest ambition. It is not for vain that the wisest King who ever lived recognized its wisdom. The feet of other animals are the monsters of the innocent ant on the ground. That is why it fails to remain on the ground but works tirelessly to store up treasure in a hidden place. The Anthill is actually a debris that accumulate as ants build their nest by digging. It looks magnificent at sight so in my childhood, I always wondered how they erected that little hill. So

EAT THAT ANT.... Continued

Except Action is taken, one can only get ideas but they will eventually remain a dream. Taking action is changing dreams and ideas into reality. Thus, action transforms intangibles into tangibles. Without action my idea to write a book to motivate you could remain a dream in me till I forget it. Dreams are not unforgettable but if a dream is not realized in a short run, it still exists to impact the long run . You can realize these dreams by taking action to jot them down each time a new idea springs out of your thought. The ant would act anytime it feels like searching for food. It would search tirelessly for any smell of food particle till it finds it. The determination in your actions facilitates your ability to adapt, normalize and transform situations around you. One motivational speaker said, money hides in people. It is true because only humans can take or give out money. So unless you solve problems for people, they won’t give out the hidden money to you. Likewise, unles

EAT THAT ANT..... There is an ant in everyone. READ This full book.

                                                                               CHAPTER ONE Introduction As ambitious as the generation today; to make money and enjoy life, it is not wrong if is done rightly. Qur’an (Chapter 5:4-7 and 11-12) affirms that creation is for man’s benefit. The bible record that God had plans for man to subdue the earth. Thus, to take dominion over other things created. God has plans for man and Bible says they are good, not evil plans. God wants His children to enjoy the milk and honey of life that is why He prepared Canaan for His chosen people. You (no matter who you are) are part of this people. We must enjoy life on earth as well as in heaven. Heaven is not for the poor (economically poor) only. It is not only for the rich (wealthy) but both. The problem comes when we fail to discipline ourselves in God’s plans. We then become like the rich man described in (Luke 16:19-31) the Bible. Disciplined people are not born so. They train themselves to


And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. And it came to pass as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar. And they dwelt there. And they said let's make brick and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone and slime for mortar. And they said, let us build us a city and a tower whose top May reach heaven, and let's make a name. Lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth.(what they feared) And the Lord said, Behold the people is one, they have one language. Go to, let us go down there and confound their language that they may not understand another's speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of the earth. This piece means no harm at all. It's the truth after all. It is no one's fault, neither is it a bad result. That some nations should be poorer than others. It's all crafted in the plans of the almighty potter. It's not an issue of environmental determinism