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Pre-Social media world had better means for us to make friends.  We needed no data like in modern trends.  Friend requests weren't necessary to send. There was an easier way the world did blend. Those times, little money did we spend. Even when you did not have, someone could lend.  However, to get a date was not as tiresome.  All you needed was life....... Isn't that awesome?  She would ask for your commitment after she had given you her all. She would forgive you even after all,  But for guilt, your heart wouldn't stop beeping. These days you need courage, money, good looks and fame without any debate. All these just to get someone to date else thou shalt be too late.  This particular lady came to me even when I was not ready.  Accepting me, knowing that I did not deserve to propose.  I tried to hide but Grace found me.  In fact, her approach I couldn't oppose and as promised, she has been with me ever since.  Forgiving my sins; And bombarding me with good dreams

.....KEEP PANTING.....

Little drops of water cannot satisfy the ocean. I call it the insatiable belly of the sea. What would anyone want than to possess all things in the universe? It is a question you cannot answer in this single verse. With the fishes and salt, water and minerals, nothing should the ocean lack. Arguably, every animal on land can be identified in the ocean. There is a horse on land and a sea-horse in the sea and probably a Pegasus in heaven. Thus-the idea of perfect analogies in the fauna of land and sea as part of the perfect symmetry of the Creator's plan. Pliny identified many more things found in the sea than on the land, and similarly points out duplicates that may later be discovered between many non-living articles of the land and living creatures in the oceans. This inference to natural historical antiquity is only to reiterate that the sea has enough to be satisfied yet, it still accepts water, even dirty water. The haves and the have nots, the needy and the greedy, the s


On the eve of 31st December when everyone had at least one thing to remember, we all thought she was coming to give her testimony. But she rather ended up blessing us with a story. “Sometimes you need character, not prayer alone but both” as she began. Having grown without father’s love and care, I found myself in the home of a widow plantain seller.  As she grew older so did I. Time came for me to sell so she could rest. Life posed to me my first test. Without rest, I could sell on the sun with hunger and thirst not forgetting the dust and dirt till Kwakye came into my life. I thought I found solace not knowing it was a burgeoning strife. With copious mouth-watering promises, castles were established in the air for the poor plantain seller and I took seed for him. He however left me a year later with “abanoma ” a son without a father.  The marriage promises were all words of lust that couldn’t last. I attempted suicide but am alive today because my two years old son broke my g

.....WHEN YOU CHOOSE .......

WELCOME TO RECEIVE LOVE MESSAGES THAT WILL BLESS YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.... To do anything for what I want, am ready. I don't have much and so am greedy.  What I have is not enough, how can I help the needy? I am not satisfied with the little I have, I want plenty. I find life so tasty. Enjoying my leisurely with beautiful ladies out there.  Just call on Queen Z and she Will be here. Alcohol is good for the rainy season but no feeling is better than smoking in the rain.  I thought I had everything to gain. Not knowing it would now be to my disdain. I heard about God but never knew He could be that close and an antidote to the worldly dose that I chose. With no idea about what He could provide,  I asked where in me He would reside. That was why I still lived in theft and lied, with no value for His son that died. I have in me this strong feeling, making random melodies like a guitar string. A spirit and powerful force, Fiercely armed like air force.


And this is how you wrote your letter to be given to whom you fell in love with: How are you, I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me. You left only your word and I cannot imagine what’s going on in the heavens. No more visions, prophecies nor dreams. You make me feel neglected my love.  So many turbulences are persuading me against your love. But I know that only you can make my dreams come true. If I think of you then I begin feeling proud that am dating such a wonderful being like you.  It makes me feel like flying away from this canal race to lay in wait at our usual meeting place. Your touch and warm embrace even keeps me in love with you forever. Being with you makes me wallow in an ecstatic anointing. Loving you has really been a blessing. I appreciate all sacrifices you made for me even to the point of death. If only I could please you in total righteousness and live my live in pure holiness.  If I had the power to manipulate the universe, I would orga


A canal state of being Even as a slave it might seem A period for every human being Yes, even from the womb man was under sin  A flashback at those times: I was soiled, muddy, metaphorically a pig  When my load and shackles were too big Times when I couldn’t even pray Forgive me father, was all I could say When I kept remembering my sins Satan kept me in this bondage In doubt, my sins were never to be forgiven But freedom soon came through His word A sacrificial lamb came for the world And now we have an advantage Christ had come to our aid We never feel coy going to the frontage That sinful heart is now history So this is my gratitude in poetry  A new light have I seen An anew soul have I been A new life shall I live No more slavery or serfdom We are now heirs in an everlasting kingdom Where there is total freedom. Heaven awaits you!!


Now I don’t know what to think, but some day it will all be in ink. I look without seeing, am I even a human being. To me, everything exists without meaning. My language is a cry, but I only calm myself with a smile. Today I take milk, but tomorrow I will break bones. Now am wrapped in silk, but soon I will wear clothes. Hmm! They leave me in pampers, am now among toddlers. Both the young and old handle me. Love and admiration are all I can see. Sometimes how hurtful it can be, especially when bathed by the geriatric. I have no option than to accept their plea. In fact a little smile does the trick. I am now a boy but frankly, am coy. I can’t even cook and but now I can eat yolk. Where is all the tenderness, where is all the care? How come all this harshness, why all these snare? My ideas are not significant, as tiny as an ant. All my vocals create fun, commonly ignored with laughter. I hate this pan; maybe, I should sound louder. When shall I


Can a father force a son who has denounced his parents to remain a son forever? We embark on a holy escapade, and only perseverance and faith can lead us there. Once saved is not forever saved for we are sojourners in this biosphere. Let’s avoid falsified ideologies and remember that Christ is our only reason for being here. All men are entitled to salvation but each has a part to play. He completed His duty by dying for you so what is your effort today? Apostasy is gradual and hence must be taken Critical: Is it disobedience, doubt, renouncement or unbelief? Do you think the deceitfulness of sin and worldly pleasures can give you relief? Today if you hear His voice, harden not your heart. Christianity is the best choice; trade it not for worldly fat. That could be the greatest mistake on your part We are sojourners on earth, washed from sin and dirt. Let’s therefore abstain from sin that leads to death BE NOT AN APOSTATE Even if you are, refuse to remain in that sa


“You are a mighty man of valour” the angel told GIDEON. We Christians are more than that. We are the body of Christ, a holy nation, heirs with Christ-sons of God. Many have swayed since the beginning and many more might backslide in these latter days that are dominated by almost unavoidable worldly pleasures. Christians of these days can only survive by being very sensitive to the voice of the Spirit, Keeping the charge and Radiating His essence. Thus, a critical moment for pure gold to come out of fire. God created man in His own image, after His own likeness and with His own hands. Yet, men fell into the hands of the evil one even in the Garden. Saul fell from being the mighty man described in 1 Sam: 9v2 to a very vulnerable end. David was a man after God’s own heart but he fell on the path of his glorious life. Solomon also had the world’s wisdom and wealth but fell along the road. What might is more than wisdom and wealth? Could it be the power of women? Oh Samson.

ANTS DON'T HATE SEX...... Have you seen ants making love before?

Have you seen ants making love before? They do better in mating but have better use for their pheromones and that makes them the wisest among animals. Organisms can communicate or mate with each other is through the use of pheromones. An organism develops and emits these hormonal chemicals in order to relay a message to another member of the same species. Ants and bees demonstrate two prominent examples of pheromone usage, which acknowledges their incredible capability to organize the behaviors of the whole colony. Called pheromones, they are biochemicals secreted from the body of an individual to impact the behavior of another individual receiving it. Ants produce numerous different pheromones, each with its own distinct purpose. Ants secrete pheromones  to signal danger to the colony, or to give directions about a location. Other pheromones act as deterrents keeping out unwanted ants from foreign colonies or preying insectivores. Still other pheromones communicate ants to cong


Uz was his city Pious to his deity, Precious was this imagery: His fear for his God could make you bore. A nature he never saw Yet held unto so hard. What faith he might have had, I feel he was bad. But it’s blissful knowing he was a good WIZARD: Described in the Bible to cause no hazard. A wealthy man with poetic wisdom waiting wonders in a wild world. Bathed in sarcastic sores, soaked in somatic smell. Just like a wizard had met the wrath of God. In fact, he was a wizard of Faith. Sacrificing always to his Lord, He never killed with a sword; His numerous servants gave their lives for free, He only needed to make a plea. Thus- blameless, Bountiful and plentiful So uprightly shunning evil This pissed the devil. And so hissed betrayal to his god. He lost everything but one dear God                             Couldn't he have cursed his creator, To divorce his wife was what he opted for. Friends couldn't understand him, The gods must be crazy it seem


Recalling the days in senior high, when youthful exuberance was so high. After the numerous inter school games, Achievers are exalted with numerous names Then ladies begin to chase fame, Guys look out for a pretty face Just to cut the story short, one entertainment night brought campus shock After the “End Time Movie night” Come see us in good spiritual heights Even angels were less holy: We served God with our hearts wholly Forging to please him only It continued but for a week, And spirituality became so weak. To the things of the world students became so meek Just like a teaser, we often keep Christ puzzled Wondering why he was bruised, remembering the tears he shed Pain builds heat in him like fever. Come see our people in church, Even without space they would perch Eager to give their substance, Dining with the Lord as if by chance. Not giving the body of Christ the essence At home, office and Markets, Christians are no different from others Malice, Corruption

Made And Named ( MAN)

Gazing far beyond the ocean a fateful moon I see. Even in this season where the waves are all over the sea. It seems to me like a trance but obviously it is divinely by chance Behold! A perfect creature molded by the hands of a potter, An indeed splendid replica of his maker MAN is the name, given him for supernatural fame Literally; Made And Named. Selflessly he slept, his vows were kept And woman was the outcome of the operation An everlasting end to that lonely situation Man is honorably pervasive, powerful and prevalent He is highly gifted with a lot of talents He is of valor, the bearer of his maker’s amour. The chief among many servants but always at service to even infants Slavery it might seem in imagery but that is his own ministry. He is so industrious, his ideas very lustrous. This is the most honored of all men: He walks not in the counsel of the ungodly But sits in the path of righteousness awaiting his glory His home is well managed, his children fea


Youth meetings must not stop But the late night affairs must halt! Impounded words of snare Creating an environment of fear Dusting white with filth, Birthing non-existing guilt. The tune doesn’t suit my song That tone too high and wrong I must change the sermon My preaching can’t thrive without my notes I should have it projected on a screen What in churches these days have we not seen? Her skirt dampened my spirit I performed the miracles, let me handle the offering I preside so who decides The harvest is plenty Labourers are scanty Let’s recruit but with caution Choose those who can give big tithes Indeed the church is dying. Someone is seated here, my friend is there The deaconess didn’t clean my seat well She didn’t even dress well See the stain in my dress from the chair It’s the fault of that woman with the grey hair That guy is handsome His smile so awesome But he couldn’t sing the song during worship Most of the vo